Portable and stationary air compressors of single and multi-stage design are used worldwide for a host of air-power requirements:
- Pneumatic construction tools
- Street and highway maintenance
- Quarrying and mining
- Petroleum research and development
- Pneumatic instrumentation systems in chemical, petrochemical, and refining industries
- Main air systems aboard ships
Critical among these are the compressed air discharge lines on single and multi-stage compressors. These lines must typically withstand air pressures from 7 bar (100 PSI) to about 275 bar (4,000 PSI) and temperatures from ambient to about 204° C (400°F).
In addition, such lines must be compatible with air/oil mixtures, not creating build ups of residues and at the same time be able to withstand inherent system vibration.
PTFE hoses are a perfect solution to convey compressed air from one stage to another, owing to minimal downtime and maintenance resulting in higher productivity; moreover, these hoses offer excellent dependability and versatility for total reliability and high performance.